Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Silky Terrier figurines

Anniversary and birthday cake

Basketweave cake

Birthday cupcakes

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day falls on the 3rd week of June every year. So I made 6 little cuppies in a cute box for sale and post it up in the Facebook. The response is not bad.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fun time

I had fun doing this cupcakes with Kelly Tan at home with our teenage daughters. She is also my facebook friend and we always play Cafe World together. Her daughter Vanessa is
Sophia's classmate. One day she asked me whether I can teach her how to do cupcakes and I say why not we do it on holliday's time.
She is a cake beginner and therefore she has to do all the basic ones like baking the cupcake and beating the buttercream. Decorating was done after that. I was the instructor of the day and to my surprised , I found out that she is really a fast learner.
At the end of the day, she took back the cupcakes with a happy smile after all the stress she has gone thru the whole afternoon. :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Celebration cupcakes

Happy Fathers Day

Happy Birthday

Banana Cupcakes

Since we had a bunch of ripe bananas on the table ( Steffi used it for her drawing), so I decided why not make use of it by making banana cupcakes frosting with cream cheese buttercream. I made 24 cupcakes and refrigerated it overnite before sending some of them off to Steffi's college as a treat to her college mates. She came back with an empty box and she said they loved it. The rest we kept it for tea time.

Test Kitchen

We did a test kitchen on two recipes that is vegan cupcakes frosted with peanut buttercream( recipe from Vegan Cupcakes take over the world) and apple-cinnamon crumb cofffee cake ( recipe from Rose's Heavenly Cake) at our MCDC's member Tracey opening mini cake studio.
The outcome was successfull and my children love it very much.
The vegan cupcakes is dairy free and is suitable for people with allergic problem.

Vegan cupcakes with peanut buttercream

Apple-Cinnamon crumb coffee cake