Saturday, November 1, 2008

My daughter ask me to do a vanilla butter cake for thanking her teachers in her school. She studies in SMK Tropicana, PJ. Well I think absolutely why not. They deserve to pampered for awhile. Many thanks for the teachers who teach my daughter in the school.Hope they like my cake! The fondant is mashmallow fondant. It' s softer than the original one and it tastes good too.


pandanleaf said...

What a pretty cake u did! My wife learning to do cake too. I will absolutely intro ur page to her! She always want to learn 3D cake like ur Mr. Tortoise. Nice meeting u!

Stanley Benjamin said...

Though this cake looks so simple & elegant, I think it must be expensive. Why ??? I think its the texture or...Mmm..not sure lah ! I think the Minister would like it.

Jo's PastryDelight said...

Thank for your compliment. I'm really honoured! I hope can share photos or recipe with your wife.:)